Hero Analytics

Hero Analytics is a service that allows authors and publishers to precisely determine how readers are choosing to enjoy the books, magazines, and other text- and image-rich content being provided through e-readers. By collecting the most detailed information possible about content usage, it is possible to truly understand how the readers are experiencing the content. This, in turn, allows creators and publishers the chance to tailor their content in such a way to bring in new readers, excite existing ones, and create greater value for advertisers.
The Hero Analytics API can be implemented in any iOS, Android, or web-based reader to collect information about how users interact with content, such as the amount of time readers are spending on individual pages, how often they go backwards in a document, when they move from portrait to landscape views on tablets and other mobile devices, and how often they zoom in or out and to what magnification level.
This information is then collected and analyzed to determine key content usage metrics. These metrics include, but are not limited to: completion and abandonment rates, re-read rates, average time spent on individual pages, and average time to completion. More specialized analyses are also available, like conversion rate for paid services that offer free content to non-paying users, and attachment rate, to record how often a user chooses to buy sequential items, like additional novels in a series.
All collected user data is anonymized to ensure the privacy of users. However, content providers can still transmit demographic information about users, such as geographic location, age, and gender, secure in the knowledge that it can’t be directly associated with information that can easily identify the user, such as an e-mail address. In this way, content providers have the best of both worlds: security for their users and pinpoint accuracy for their marketing.
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